Labels:text | screenshot | document | menu | number | font OCR: Table 2 Software Domain Expert Worksheet* Classification Original observations from the video People Process Tech Software domain expert comments Setup work on totally new grounds started on the previous. x This kind of concentrated effort is not sustainable in soft- day, lasting from 3:00 A.M. to midnight. ware development. The day started with a major "pregame" pep talk celebration X Paying special attention to people to keep them motivated with dancers and food is important. Special challenge: Teamwork between architects and Conflict between architects and developers is also known builders. to be a software development problem. Special challenge: Team member communication. x Software development is a team activity, and the challenge is the same as in construction. Special challenge: Shared mission and goals. Conflict between fearn members, managers, and develop ers is also known to be a software development problem. Each craftsman knew that his assignment would affect the x This is an interesting idea. It reflects a totally different next person's ability to complete his part of the job. mindset and culture from what is prevalent amongst solt- ware developers On the day of the competition, the 350-member teams x Planning and managing headcount is a difficult task. Most showed up (plus some additional support personnel, head- software projects are chronically understaffed or improperty count is not knowr) staffed, which have a negative impact on the schedule Beside the actual building sile, a very large area was made x Assigning extra resources (not necessarily direct develop- available for temporary staging of materials, equipment ment heaccount) will have a positive impact on schedule. and people. Special challenge: Safety. Software product safety is as important design factor. The software development process does not present specific Safety challenges. Special chalenge: Compliance with building codes. In the case of software, compliance with various industry standards poses a serious design challenge Special chavenge: Training practices X Implementing rapid development practices requires specla Special challenge: Coordination amongst the simultaneously x The software approach involves thorough life-cycle analy- working trade representatives (roofers, electricians, and so on). sis and management Special challenge: Available drywall pane's were limited to a X Understanding and prioritizing rescurce limitations is a planned quantity. critical aspect of software project management. They chemically heated the cement to assure that it set in x Applying new technology is always a promising idea, but 15 to 20 minutes. as the construction example shows, it is a high-risk solu- tion, and the potential impact has to be fully understood. The worksheer table was sorted by the classification flags before the software domain oxpert reviewed it